【英文作文】如何寫好英文作文 ~英文作文基本架構

URL Link //n.sfs.tw/13154

2019-03-08 23:28:44 By 過路君子




壹、主旨句(Topic sentence)

貳、發展句(Supporting sentence)

參、結論句(Concluding sentence)


✨ Explain

         Credit cards have a lot of advantages. (Topic_sentence) First of all, credit cards are convenient because you don't have to carry a lot of cash in your pocket. In addition, credit cards are very helpful in emergencies. Finally, you can become a batter money manager as you learn to use credit cards responsibly. As you can see, there are many advantages of using credit cards. (concluding_sentence)




就以上面的短文為例,首先看到就是開頭畫線的topic sentence,而這句topic sentence是一句非常優良的topic sentence,因為我們可以從這句topic sentence推敲出文章後面可能會講什麼,就這篇短文而言我們可以猜出接下來文章可能是要說credit cards擁有哪些advantages。


而這篇短文在topic sentence和concluding sentence 之間共夾了三句的supporting sentence,分別為:

⑴credit crads are convenient because you don't have to carry a lot of money.

⑵credit cards are very helpful in emergencies.

⑶you can become a better money manager as you learn to use credit cards responsibly.

這三句的supporting sentence皆有一個共通點,那就是全部都是承接topic sentence而延伸出來的


到這裡先等等!每一句的supporting sentence絕對不可能頭接頭尾接尾,這樣很奇怪,所以一定會有一個transition words(又可說成key words)來做連接,以這篇短文為例,共用了以下的三個transition words來做連接:

⑴Fist of all,

⑵In addition,


其位置各在每一個的supporting sentence前面,當然transition words不只這三個,還有or、and、such as、on the other hand、for example、for instance…等等,都是作文中比較常用的transition words。


而最後的concluding sentence在前面也用了一個transition word連接,最後的concluding sentence是要能總結supporting sentence以及呼應topic sentence才是好的concluding sentence,以這篇短文的concluding sentence為例,它既總結了supporting sentence所舉出的例子(using credit cards)又呼應了topic sentence所下的主題(have a lot of advantages)。






①如何撰寫topic sentence(主旨句)?


②如何撰寫supporting sentence(發展句)?


③如何撰寫concluding sentence(結論句)?


The author is Fanny_Chen