【LPIC/LPI】[101-500]LPIC-1 Linux證照考試心得

URL Link //n.sfs.tw/15971

2022-11-06 13:11:07 By 過路君子

哈囉大家好,這裡是開始準備LPIC 102-500的小編過路君子




距離小編開始接觸 Linux 至今也正式邁入第三年了。

當初開始接觸也只是抱著好玩的心態來學學看,沒想到竟然還跑去考證照,日前已經通過 LPIC level 1 101-500 了。

所以,今天最主要來談談 LPIC level 1 101-500 在考什麼。


那由於今天的主題是 LPIC 101-500,所以小編只會提到這部分,至於 LPIC 102-500 小編不會提到。

所以我們先來看看 LPIC 101-500 最主要要考的部分:

System Architecture
Linux Installation and Package Management
GNU and Unix Commands
Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard


Linux 系統架構
Linux 的軟體安裝以及管理
Linux 基本指令
Linux FHS & Linux 檔案樹狀系統




依照此邏輯,等等小編在下面舉例的題目就統一使用英文題目,看不懂的自行複製丟上 Google 翻譯。



Linux 系統架構

在 LPIC level-1 的考試中,最主要是要考 Linux 系統架構的「概念」,所以這部份如果實作不太熟悉的話其實還是可以去考的。


What can the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) be used for? (Choose three.)
A. To create snapshots.
B. To dynamically change the size of logical volumes.
C. To dynamically create or delete logical volumes.
D. To create RAID 9 arrays.
E. To encrypt logical volumes.

Answer: A, B, C

不會操作最少最少也要知道那個是做什麼的,以上題為範例,至少必須知道什麼是 LVM。



Which of the following partition types is used for Linux swap spaces when partitioning hard disk drives?
A. 7
B. 82
C. 83
D. 8e
E. fd

Answer: B


Linux 的軟體安裝以及管理

這部分就比較重要了,因為 LPIC 是測驗對 Linux 系統的熟悉度所以兩大主流 RedHat 和 Ubuntu 都必須知道且會操作。


Ubuntu 體系:
        1. dpkg
        2. dpkg-reconfigur
        3. apt-get
        4. apt-cache
RedHat 體系:
        1. rpm
        2. yum



A Debian package creates several files during its installation. Which of the following commands searches for packages owning the file /etc/debian_version?
A. apt-get search /etc/debian_version
B. apt -r /etc/debian_version
C. find /etc/debian_version -dpkg
D. dpkg -S /etc/debian_version
E. apt-file /etc/debian_version

Answer: D




Which command uninstalls a package but keeps its configuration files in case the package is re-installed?
A. dpkg -s pkgname
B. dpkg -L pkgname
C. dpkg -P pkgname
D. dpkg -v pkgname
E. dpkg -r pkgname

Answer: E



Linux 基本指令

這裡所要熟悉的指令就多了,pwd, tr, sed, awk, sort, uniq, split...


Which of the following commands changes all CR-LF line breaks in the text file userlist.txt to Linux standard LF line breaks and stores the result in newlist.txt?
A. tr -d '\r' < userlist.txt > newlist.txt
B. tr -c '\n\r' <newlist.txt> userlist.txt
C. tr '\r\n' <userlist.txt> newlist.txt
D. tr '\r' '\n' userlist.txt newlist.txt
E. tr -s '/^M/^J/' userlist.txt newlist.txt

Answer: A


Which of the following commands can be used to determine how long the system has been running? (Choose two.)
A. uptime
B. up
C. time --up
D. uname -u
E. top

Answer: A, E




Linux FHS & Linux 檔案樹狀系統


Which file defines the network locations from where the Debian package manager downloads software packages?
A. /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg
B. /etc/apt/apt.conf.d
C. /etc/apt/apt.conf
D. /etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg
E. /etc/apt/sources.list

Answer: E


填空題就要注意了,如果要填寫資料夾的路徑,最後的 / 一定要寫出來,例如:/usr/local/bin/

如果最後的 / 不寫出來會被當成檔案,然後該題直接算做錯誤,切忌切記。

Which file from the /proc/ file system contains a list of all currently mounted devices? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.)

Answer: /proc/self/mounts


vi/vim 文字編輯器

這部分考得很重,因為基本上大部分的 Linux 機器上都有這個文字編輯器,算是滿常使用的軟體。

所以這個 vi 很常會被單獨抽出來考。

In the vi editor, how can commands such as moving the cursor or copying lines into the buffer be issued multiple times or applied to multiple rows?
A. By using the command :repeat followed by the number and the command
B. By specifying the number right in front of a command such as 41 or 2yj.
C. By selecting all affected lines using the shit and cursor keys before applying the command.
D. By issuing a command such as :set repetition=4 with repeats every subsequent command 4 times.
E. By specifying the number after a command such as 14 or yj2 followed by escape.

Answer: B



這就是 LPIC 101-500 主要的考試內容了。








如果時間允許的話,建議就是慢慢看,因為小編當初並沒有打算要考 LPIC,只是單純想要學習 Linux,所以才挑選那本書,如果各位是需要直接準備考試且需在短時間內速成,不建議去閱讀,會越讀越迷茫。