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【Linux】[CentOS 8] How to update sudo instruction

The last time I wanted to update the sudo command should be 2017, right? It's 2021 in a blink of an

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分享連結 【Linux】[CentOS 8] How to update sudo instruction@小編過路君子
2021-01-31 11:56:49 最後編修
2021-01-31 11:55:25 By 過路君子

Hello everyone, here is the Editor.Passing Gentleman who finally found the installation method

It's clearly written in the unzipped folder INSTALL.configure In the file


In fact, the install file also describes how to install it, but Editor failed to follow the steps of that file, so I'll use the INSTALL.configure Based on the installation steps described.


Step 1: check whether the current sudo version is the latest version

sudo -V

※ It must be root to execute

Click on each image below to enlarge it


Step 2: download the latest sudo from the SUDO website

The SUDO official website is here, and the latest sudo download site is here, and the Editor here takes the installation of Sudo Version 1.9.5p2 as an example.


Step 3: decompress sudo-1.9.5p2.tar.gz

tar -zxvf sudo-1.9.5p2.tar.gz


Step 4: enter the folder and configure it

cd sudo-1.9.5p2/ && ./configure


Step 5: compile & install

make check
make install

After inputting the above three instructions in sequence, the installation is completed.

You can input "sudo -V" again to confirm whether there is a new version of sudo.





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