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How to deal windows10 with lost bootloader issue

如何修復Windows 10 丟失UEFI引導 (bootloader)無法開機

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2022-08-11 09:49:20 By jung

there was one time that I used a program to modifying UEFI boot loader,

but accidentally removed default boot loader of win10,

then I surfed the internet for resolution,

but failed because Microsoft's variety of versions

finally, I found it.


Here's the point:

After Windows 10 1709, bootrec /fixboot is deprecated.

step 1: build usb booting image for windows recovery

step 2: mount usb rod for recovery

step 3: >bcdboot "C:\Windows" /s Z: /f UEFI /l zh-tw

Modify disk code for your situation 






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