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設定Windows Server 2016的時間同步

Windows Server 2016的時間同步機制

How To Secure Apache with Let's Encrypt on Debian 8

This tutorial will show you how to set up a TLS/SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt on a Debian 8 server running Apache as a web server.

[問卦] 建中天才,台大醫科,然後呢?

我覺得只要可以養活自己 & 不造成其他人麻煩 & 做的事情對別人是有益的, 喜歡什麼,就去做什麼吧

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solution for selinux issue while installing zabbix agent on centos7

install zabbix agent as service will raise selinux issue on some centos 7.3.1611


using commands to reduce virtualbox's vdi file space

JIRA using gmail as smtp outgoing mail sender


determine strings that include numbers and spaces

differ from Highest and Lowest numbers inside strings that includes spaces


network connection failed due to networkmanager settings