[Linux] grep 排除特定字串
“ 使用 -v 參數可以讓grep排除特定字串的方法 ”
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2023-11-02 13:51:55 By 張○○
使用 grep -v 參數可以排除特定字串,範例:
# Let's assume we have a file called data.txt with the following content:
# John
# Mary
# Paul
# John Paul
# If you want to search for 'John' but don't want lines with 'Paul' to appear, you can use grep exclusion like this:
grep 'John' data.txt | grep -v 'Paul'
# This will return only 'John' and excludes 'John Paul'
# John
# Mary
# Paul
# John Paul
# If you want to search for 'John' but don't want lines with 'Paul' to appear, you can use grep exclusion like this:
grep 'John' data.txt | grep -v 'Paul'
# This will return only 'John' and excludes 'John Paul'
排除 'exclude_this' 字串的行
grep -v 'exclude_this' example.txt
排除以 'word' 開頭的行
grep -v '^word' filename
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