https://data.lass-net.org/data/last.php?device_id=(你的空氣盒子位址例如 74DA3895CXXX)
{"source": "last by IIS-NRL", "feeds": [{"AirBox2": {"gps_lat": 24.267, "gps_num": 9.0, "name": "XXXXX", "s_t0": 26.62, "area": "taichung", "gps_alt": 2.0, "timestamp": "2019-04-24T01:59:05Z", "app": "AirBox2", "gps_fix": 1.0, "s_d0_hourly_num": 9, "s_d0_hourly": 39.111111111111114, "gps_lon": 120.000, "s_d2": 28.0, "time": "01:59:05", "s_d0": 40.0, "s_d1": 51.0, "date": "2019-04-24", "s_h0": 100.0, "device_id": "74DA389XXXXXA"}}], "version": "2019-04-24T02:08:38Z", "num_of_records": 1, "device_id": "74DA3895C3AA"}
我這邊是沒有去改css div的命名直接照抄:P
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