很簡單的功能,就安全上的理由,主要是把字串的中間部分加上 '*'。
第二個變數 $masknum 如果是負的,代表要留言不 MASK 的個數。
/** * function MaskString(): Mask a string for security. * @scope public * @param string $s : input string, >2 characters long string * @param interger $masknum : the number of characters in the middle of a string to be masked, if masknum is negative, the returned string will leave abs(masknum) characters in both end untouched. * @return a masked string * ex. MaskString( "12345678",3) : 123***78 * ex. MaskString( "12345678",-3) : 12*****8 */ function MaskString($s, $masknum=3){ $len= strlen($s); if($masknum<0) $masknum = $len + $masknum; if($len<3)return $s; elseif( $len< $masknum+1)return substr( $s, 0,1). str_repeat('*',$len-2). substr( $s, -1); $right= ($len-$masknum)>>1; $left= $len- $right- $masknum; return substr( $s, 0,$left). str_repeat('*',$len-$right-$left). substr( $s, -$right); }
原文 2011-05-14 16:31:54