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dealing with virtualbox installation on ubuntu 22.04LTS

trouble shooting on virtualbox installation

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分享連結 dealing with virtualbox installation on ubuntu 22.04LTS@der amateur
2022-09-11 22:05:20 最後編修
2022-09-11 22:03:36 By

at first, I want to make sure the reason of my printer failuare issue,

so I removed virtualbox from my ubuntu host PC,

which was just upgraded to version 22.04.

but the printer issue is still unable to resloved,

then I want to install virtualbox again,

the trouble occured,

I followed the search results, which most of them told you to just using apt-get command,

and the ubuntu official version of virtualbox packages will be installed.

however, that package is bulit under virtualbox 5, I guess,

though you can check the version of package is 6.1.34,

but I am unable to upgrade to latest version: 6.1.38 downloaded from oracle official site by using dpkg command,

even apt-get --fix-broken-install is not working,

finally, I purged all virtualbox packages from ubuntu host,

and followed this paragraph by directly installing virtualbox package:6-1,


and manually install two packages including libsdl-ttf2.0-0 and libvpx6



the problem had solved at last.

in addition, there is an issue on snap store updating,

you'll have to kill snap store processes to update it,


which is really odd situation on ubuntu,

maybe these are all caused by the latest 22.04 verion,

that's why IT people always murmur about the phrase,

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.



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