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如何在ubuntu 18.04上設定一開機就啟動virtualbox某個vm

a way to setup ubuntu18.04 for start vm on boot

分享此文連結 //n.sfs.tw/13354

分享連結 如何在ubuntu 18.04上設定一開機就啟動virtualbox某個vm@外行中的外行
2019-10-19 12:57:57 最後編修
2019-06-21 15:15:16 By jung

On virtualbox 5.x, this option to start vm when ubuntu bootup can be set in startup-application-preference

by using the path "/usr/bin/VirtualBox --startvm vm_name",

But on virtualbox 6,

you'll need to set the path to "/usr/bin/VirtualBoxVM --startvm vm_name",




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